sub-sale house inspection service

Check Sub-sale House In Malaysia – Important To-do List

How To Check The Sub-sale House?

In Malaysia, the house buyer can check the sub-sale house either by implementing DIY method or hire a professional team. Commonly, the best timing to check the sub-sale house is before deciding to purchase the house. This is because the house buyer can cancel the next progress without having to pay high cancelation cost. In order words, the house buyer can choose the other property if check and detect serious problem in the house.

Generally, the house buyer has to obtain the permission from the seller in order to check their house. After having the permission and confirming an appointment, the house buyer can start to check the sub-sale house. When checking the sub-sale house, it is important to record the info about defects and problems. Additionally, it is a good idea to take the photo or video if found complicated or serious problem. Next, the house buyer should prepare or obtain a report from the specialist after completing the house checking process.

Intro About Sub-sale House In Malaysia

The sub-sale house is a popular property options in Malaysia. When selecting a property, some house buyer will consider sub-sale house because of the advantages as below:

  • The building process is completed
  • Easy to check the sub-sale house condition
  • Free of abandon project risk
  • Short handover or waiting time
  • Able to review the community and surrounding condition

Check The Sections And Parts

Generally, a standard and proper sub-sale house inspection should include the service to check sections as below:

  • Wall and floor tiles
  • Wooden floor
  • Window and door
  • Ceiling and wall structural panels
  • Water piping system
  • Furniture and electric applicant (if included in the property selling offer)
  • Electric supply system
  • Grill and fence

After completing the house inspection process, the house buyer should receive a report. Hence, the house buyer will able to review the sub-sale house condition and actual value.

inspect and check sub-sale house condition and detect house defect

Inspect The Water Piping System

The main reason to check the water piping system is to avoid functionality problem. Besides, the water pipe system checking process can effectively detect the water leakage problem if there is leakage issue.

Check The Tiles of The Sub-sale House

Generally, drummy tile is common problem for sub-sale house. If there are too many drummy tiles, the house buyer should re-value the house because the repairing cost is high.

Window And Door Condition Check

It is important to inspect the windows and doors in the sub-sale house. This is because the windows and doors functionality condition will become poor after a period of time.

Check The Wall And Ceiling Panels

Furthermore, the house buyer should check the wall and ceiling structural panels condition of the sub-sale house. This is because the wall and ceiling crack problem will cause complicated repairing process and expensive cost.

Images Credit Links

Office building photo created by wirestock –

Home decor photo created by vanitjan –

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